12. Manna issue 59 - Fourteen Coins 14個硬幣
Having an unbelieving parent is difficult but God will provide.
12. Manna issue 59 - Fourteen Coins 14個硬幣
Having an unbelieving parent is difficult but God will provide.
11. Manna issue 59 - Digging Wells: The Place of God in an Age of Job Insecurity 挖井:在工作不穩定的時代神的地位
Isaac is an example for us to follow. 以撒是我們學習的典範
David Liu—Queens, New York, USA 美國紐約皇后
10. Manna issue 59 - My Journey to Marriage 我的婚姻旅程
The love and mercy of God guided her through uncertainty. 神的慈愛憐憫穿越迷茫
Suechuan G Jeng—Taichung, Taiwan 台灣台中
9. Manna issue 59 - Romance in Entertainment Media 娛樂媒體的愛情故事
Understanding and overcoming the effect romantic media can have on our faith and spirituality.
8. Manna issue 59 - Worship and Devotion in the 21st Century 21 世紀的敬拜與奉獻
How technology has affected our spiritual lives. 科技如何影響我們的靈命。
Enoch Chang—Hillsborough, New Jersey, USA 美國新澤西喜樂坡教會
7. Manna issue 59 - Burning Silver 燃燒銀子
Why it is important for us to be purified through trials.
6. Manna issue 59 - Facts, Stats, and Syntax 事實,統計,語法
Polls and Statistics 民調與統計數據
A chronology of the establishment of True Jesus Church in various countries since 1989:
5. Manna issue 59 - Q & A 問答集
What characteristics does God have? 神具有什麼特質?
God exists absolutely. 神絕對存在。
4. Manna issue 59 - How to Usher 如何迎賓接待
Ushers are responsible for opening and preparing the church premises for worship.
3. Manna issue 59 - My Family’s Conversion to Christianity 我家改信基督教
Overcoming an illness and persecution from family. 克服病痛和家中的逼迫
James Lee—Subang Jaya, Malaysia 馬來西亞,梳邦再也